April Fool

April Fool

April Fool

It might seem like a “mean trick” to everyone, regardless of their “political beliefs” in the US: Donald Trump told his supporters on Monday that he was “stopping his campaign for re-election,” but it turned out to be just an “April Fool Day joke” to raise money.

The former President from the Republican party, aiming to defeat his Democratic opponent Joe Biden in the upcoming November election, sent out a message “I’m suspending my campaign” to his supporters through email and text, along with a link.

However, when people clicked on the link, they were directed to a website that asked them to “donate to his campaign.”

He then revealed, “Did you really think I’d suspend my campaign? Happy April Fool Day!” in uppercase letters.

The Biden team quickly shot back with a dig at Trump for not being very active in his campaign efforts.

“Trump hasn’t campaigned in 16 days. So not sure what the difference is,” said Ammar Moussa, a member of the Biden campaign team.

In the US, political candidates frequently reach out for small donations, bombarding their supporters with a flurry of texts, emails, and calls asking for money, sometimes “many times a day.”

This strategy can accumulate a significant amount of money, which is crucial in a country where running for president can cost “billions of dollars.”

But due to the constant bombardment, candidates try to be “more creative” to grab attention.

Trump often brings up his legal issues, claiming without evidence that the Biden administration is trying to “put him in jail.”

Currently, the Biden campaign is leading in the “fundraising race,” enjoying this advantage by referring to Trump, known for giving people “mean nicknames,” as “Broke Don.”


Read Also: Donald Trump gets ahead as US Republican Candidate, Haley Suffers Defeat In Nevada

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Trump and Biden are on the verge of a rematch as they lead in state primary elections.

4 thoughts on “April Fool: Donald Trump Suspends His Election Campaign”
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