Before you start the job search process, it’s essential that your personal brand is on point. In today’s competitive marketplace, securing your dream job requires more than the right qualifications and an impressive resume. Personal branding gives you the opportunity to showcase your unique identity. It is a powerful tool to assist you in standing out amongst a sea of candidates with a similar background. If you want to leave the best impression on hiring managers, personal branding is the way forward. In this article, you’ll learn about 5 personal branding tips to get you to your next job.

1. Google Your Name
Before you do anything, Google your name and see what the internet is saying about you. It’s super important that you do this because the first thing an employee does when vetting a potential candidate is Google their name, and what they see will determine whether they call you for an interview or not. It’s easy for incriminating evidence about you to show up on the first page of Google. For example, a friend snaps a picture of you on a drunken night out locking lips with a hottie, posts it to her Instagram and tags you using your full name. This picture will show up on Google under your name. As normal as it is for people to go out and have a good time, that’s not the image you want to present to someone who may become your boss. Therefore, before you start sending out your resume, make sure you clean up any mishaps if there are any.

2. Be Your Genuine Self
Being authentic is essential to a successful brand. Don’t waste your time mimicking other brands, you’ll attract the wrong audience. If you want to become truly magnetic, expressing your most authentic self is the key. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with presenting the best version of yourself during an interview; however, every company has a culture, and if you attempt to conform to a culture that your not truly aligned to, you’ll be forced to keep up the act and you’ll burn out very quickly. By showing up as your authentic self, you give the hiring manager better insight into whether you’re a good fit for the position.

3. Define Your Core Values
Although you’ll be working for someone else, the core values of your brand are important because they’re an indication of how you’ll perform on the job. For example, valuing hard work and integrity puts you in a favorable light because all organizations value hard work and integrity.

4. Practice Your Personal Brand Pitch
Les Brown said it best, “Practice makes improvement.” In other words, the more you practice, the better you become at something. Being able to confidently roll off your brand pitch is essential for job interviews. There’s a possibility the interviewer won’t ask you about your personal brand, but if they do, make sure you’re ready.

Managers want to hire individuals who value passion over profit. Of course everyone wants to make money; however, when you’re passionate about something, you do everything from the heart. You’re not putting out content just for people to buy your products and services, you actually have a desire to help your audience. It’s this attitude that wins loyal customers; and the desire of every company is to have a strong, and loyal customer base.

As you’ve read, personal branding empowers individuals to articulate their passions, showcase their strengths, and define their unique value proposition. By developing a compelling personal brand, you give yourself a competitive advantage in the job market.

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