Political Parties

Political Parties Political Parties Political Parties

Throughout Nigeria’s political history, many political parties have come and gone for various reasons. Even though some of these parties don’t exist anymore, they have significantly influenced Nigeria’s democracy and its political stories. They showed the different beliefs, goals, and dreams that people in the country have had.

Here are some well-known political parties that are no longer active in Nigeria:

  1. Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN): Started in 2006, it later joined other parties to form the All Progressives Congress in 2013. The ACN was known for representing progressive politics, similar to what the Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria did under Chief Obafemi Awolowo. It was a major party, especially in the South West and some parts of the Mid-West and North Central Nigeria.
  2. Action Group (AG): Established in 1951, it was a leading party in Western Nigeria with Chief Obafemi Awolowo at the helm. The AG pushed for regional independence and social welfare, but it fell apart in 1966 due to internal conflicts and the end of the Nigerian First Republic.
  3. Alliance for Democracy (AD): Formed in 1998, the AD was a progressive party that faced leadership disputes, which led to a split. Part of the party merged with others in 2006 to create the Action Congress party.
  4. All People’s Party (APP): The APP came about in 1998, drawing support mainly from the middle belt and northern Nigeria. It changed its name to the All Nigeria People’s Party in 2003, which is also no longer around.
  5. Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNPP): This was Nigeria’s first political party, founded in 1923 by Herbert Macaulay. It played a role in the political changes in the Western Region during the 1960s.

These parties have left their mark on Nigeria’s political landscape, showing the changes, challenges, and hopes of the nation over time. Even though they’re gone, their impact on political discussions and the country’s development continues.

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