PresidentDakar, Senegal: Senegalese flag flying in the wind of the Atlantic against clear blue sky - The flag of the Republic of Senegal, adopted in 1960 following Senegal's divorced from Mali - three vertical and equal bands in green, gold and red. A green five-pointed star sits in the center of the gold band.

President Sally President Sally Senegal

Senegal’s President, Macky Sall, has announced he will step down from his position on April 2nd, but there is still uncertainty regarding when the election will take place. He recently decided to postpone the election, which was initially set for Sunday, to mid-December, leading to violent protests. In a TV interview, President Sall mentioned that the new election date would be determined during political discussions starting on Monday. However, the opposition has chosen not to participate in these discussions, reducing the chances of resolving the current issues. Out of 19 presidential candidates, 16 have decided not to attend the president’s proposed “national dialogue,” and several civil society groups have also opted out.

President Sall, who is heading to Abuja, Nigeria, for a special summit with the regional group Ecowas, has faced pressure to announce a new election date after Senegal’s highest court declared the election’s postponement illegal. The decision to delay the vote was widely criticized internationally, with concerns that it might lead to President Sall staying in power indefinitely in a region known for coups and military rule.

During his national TV appearance on Thursday evening, President Sall explained he believed there wasn’t enough time to elect a new president by April 2nd and said the upcoming dialogue would address what should happen in such a scenario. In an effort to show goodwill, he mentioned he was willing to release Ousmane Sonko, a popular opposition politician whose arrest last year led to widespread protests. Following the Constitutional Council’s ruling against the election’s postponement, many of President Sall’s opponents have been released from prison.

However, the absence of a new election date has led critics to suspect that President Sall is using delaying tactics. Having served two terms as Senegal’s president, he had initially promised in 2012 not to extend his stay in office. Despite his recent interview, concerns remain about Senegal’s standing as a model of democracy in a region facing authoritarian challenges.


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7 thoughts on “President Sall agrees to step down in April but sets no poll date yet”
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